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File name Buginfo.txt

Filing a useful bug report:There's a few simple things you can do to help usdeal with your bug report more effectively.Before reporting, check any recent bug reports onthe ZSNES boards, read the readme about unsupportedchips, and the bug tracker athttp://zsnes.sourceforce.netFirst, We need version and port. It isn't helpfulfor us to test a game that's "broken" if you are using 1.17b, and don't tell us that fact, becausewe may have fixed it in 1.20 or later. Also, reportwhether you are using ZSNESW, ZSNES linux, or ZSNES DOS.Rarely, a problem is port specific, but reportingthe port used up front makes it much easier to geta person with the proper port to test.Second, a detailed name of the game is helpful. Itis common for a game to act different in differentregions. By explaining you're using a Us, European,or Japanese version, you make testing signifcantlyeasier, because we can test the exact game, ratherthan picking which "Puzzle Bobble" you mean.Third, describe the problem in detail. Is it an emulation bug? If not, can you reproduce it? Ifit is an emulation bug, investigate. Does thegame lock up? Or does the sound fail? Are thegraphics wrong? Provide details. Toggle thebackgrounds or sound channels, and see if you canfind anything, like background 3 is corrupt, orif offset-per-tile is messed up. Does the oldgfx engine act the same? Is a particular soundchannel sticking on?When the game starts, does ZSNES say "OK" in thechecksum field?Finally, do other emulators run the game correctly?If you have any additional information, like whenthe game may have quit working, or when anotheremulator ran it, or a game that acts the same.Thanks.System specs are also nice, but less essential.

File name Multi.txt

Note: This list does not include sports game (since they're easy to recognize and most of them are multiplayer) This list does not include games with only 2P alternating modes and also games that requires the SNES Mouse/Super Scope. This list is also incomplete. You can find the latest list at 25,2000 - Added 2 entries courtesy of DrakeNov 19,2000 - Added 2 entries courtesy of kLoNeNov 15,2000 - Added 1 entry courtesy of kLoNeNov 14,2000 - Added 1 entry courtesy of kLoNeNov 11,2000 - Added 27 entries courtesy of Simon BelmontAero FightersArt of Fighting 1 & 2Battletoads in BattlemaniacsBattletoads vs DoubleDragonBrawl BrothersBrutal: Paws of FuryCaptain CommandoClayfighters 1, 2 and Special EditionContra 3Darius TwinDouble Dragon 5Dragonball Z Super Butoden 1-3Dragonball Z Hyper DimensionFaceballFatal Fury 1, 2, & SpecialFighter's HistoryFinal Fight 2 & 3Ghoul PatrolGoemon 2, 3, & 4Goof TroopGundam Wing: Endless DuelJoe&Mac 1 & 2Jurassic Park 2 - The Chaos ContinuesKiller InstinctKing of the Monsters 1 & 2Kirby's AvalancheKirby's Dreamland 3Kirby Super StarLegend of the Mystical NinjaLemmings 1Megaman 7 (Secret Code - password 1415/5585/7823/6251 and press L+R+Start)Metal WarriorsMortal Kombat 1 & 2Mortal Kombat 3 (some rom version don't work on ZSNES)NP Mario Picross SeriesPeace KeapersPirates of the Dark WaterPocky & Rocky 1 & 2Pop'n TwinbeePower InstinctPrimal RagePuzzle Bobble (Bust a Move)RaidenRampartRanma 1/2 IIRise of the RobotsRival TurfRun SaberSailor MoonSailor Moon RSailor Moon SSailor Moon Puzzle (R,S,Super S)Sailor Moon Fighting (S,Super S)Samurai ShodownSecret of ManaSeiken Densetsu 3Shaq fuStar Fox 2 BetaStar Trek Starfleet AcademyStreet Fighter 2 (and derivatives)Street Fighter 2 TurboStreet Fighter Alpha 2 (doesn't work properly in ZSNES)Street RacerStunt Race FXSunset RidersSuper Bomberman 1-5Super Mario All-Stars (SMB3 minigame)Super Mario KartSuper Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Secret Code - at map, hold select, then press X,X,Y,B,A)Super OffroadSuper Smash TVSuper Street Fighter 2Suzuka 8 HoursTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 - Turtles in TimeTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5 - Tournament FightersTetris & Dr.MarioTetris 2Tetris 3Tetris AttackThe Great Circus MysteryTop Gear 2Tuff e NuffUltimate Mortal Kombat 3Uniracers (2P not working well in ZSNES)Wild GunsWorld Heroes 1 & 2Wrecking Crew 98Zombies Ate My Neighbors

File name Netplay.txt

*** FOR SMOOTH NETPLAY, IT IS REQUIRED THAT BOTH SIDES HAVE FAST COMPUTERS. (LOOK BELOW FOR REQUIREMENTS) IF ONE SIDE HAS A SLOW COMPUTER (EG. 200MHZ) WHILE THE OTHER HAS A FAST ONE (EG. 800MHZ), THE SLOW COMPUTER'S LOW FRAMERATE WILL BOG DOWN THE FAST COMPUTER, CAUSING POOR FRAME RATES ON THE FAST COMPUTER. IT IS ALSO STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU KEEP LATENCY AT 3 (OR REDUCE IT TO 2 FOR FAST PACED PLATFORM GAMES), ALLOW UDP CONNECTIONS, AND KEEP BACK BUFFER ENABLED.If you have Windows 95 and you are getting a init failed error, you should download and install the Winsock 2.0 update for Windows 95 at this URL:*** Note: Do not update the above if you do not have Windows 95Also, the higher than ping time, the worse the netplay experience since ping times measure the time it takes for data to get to the other side and back. You can expect a not so great performance if you have a ping time of 400 or greater.Note: You cannot use cheat codes, key combinations, or turbo keys in netplay.Note: Firewall users - You may need to disable your firewall (or just disable it for UDP port 7845) in order to get the UDP protocol that ZSNESw's netplay uses to work.Note: Internet Connection Sharing users (Win9x systems) - You may need to download an ICS Configuration software to get your connection to work and map UDP port 7845. You can find one at: Recommendations for smooth netplay:------------------------------------------ - Back Buffer must be enabled and the latency value must be 3 or 2 - The games have to run at least 50FPS on BOTH computers without netplay. This can completely depend on factors such as cpu, video card, video mode, and the game you are running. - Your system should be able to handle the UDP protocol. Without it, lost packets can cause lots of in-game pauses in your netplay experience. - You can also try changing your resolution to different video modes and find the video mode that provides the optimal performance if the current performance isn't satisfactory. - You would also need an Internet connection with ping times of less than 400ms between both connections.Simple Instructions on how to get it working:---------------------------------------------1.) Go to Netplay -> Internet2.) Decide who will be the server and who will be the client (Neither has the gameplay advantage since ZSNESw treats both the same after a connection is established)3.) If you're the server, send the IP that's shown to your friend (eg. through any chat program (ICQ, AIM, IRC, etc.)). Then click on 'Start Server'.4.) If you're the client, type in the IP address that your friend has given you and then click

File name Readmew.txt

ZSNES by zsKnight, _Demo_, and Pharos http://www.zsnes.comZSNES is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator written mostlyin assembler.We would really like to thank the snes9x team for all their help andalso for an excellent snes emulator. We also wish them the very bestof luck!---------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------------1.) What's New2.) Disclaimer3.) System Requirements4.) Things you should know about ZSNES (Updated v1.00)5.) Current Progress6.) Future Progress7.) ZSNES Default Keys8.) Extra Pop-Up Menu (F1 Menu)9.) Configuration File (ZSNES.CFG)10.) Cheat Codes11.) Extra Features (SNES Mouse/Super Scope/SuperFX/DSP1/MultiTap/IPS)12.) Bugs Section13.) Contact Information14.) The Debugger15.) Error Codes16.) Credits---------------------------------------------------------------------------1.) What's New---------------------------------------------------------------------------See WHATSNEW.TXT---------------------------------------------------------------------------2.) Disclaimer---------------------------------------------------------------------------zsKnight, _Demo_, and Pharos are not responsible for any damages causedby the use of this software. This software also must not be distributedwith ROMs.---------------------------------------------------------------------------3.) System Requirements---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fast Pentium processor strongly recommended- 32MB of RAM- Windows 95/98/ME/2000 or compatible- DirectX 8.0 or higherRecommended System for SFX support :- Fast Pentium processor (P200 - P2-300 (depending on the game))- 32MB of RAM- Windows 95/98/ME/2000 or compatible- DirectX 8.0 or higherRecommended System for SA-1 support : (Mario RPG)- Fast Pentium processor (P200 or higher)- 32MB of RAM- Windows 95/98/ME/2000 or compatible- DirectX 8.0 or higherRequirements for netplay:- WinSock 2.2 (Included with most Windows versions, or from )Please note that while 32 MB is a recommendation for minimum RAM,additional RAM may be beneficial, especially for 40 or 48 megabitROMS, or games that require decompression packs.*An FPU is required for DSP1 emulation*You can download directx at Things you should know about ZSNES---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use both keyboard and joystick for player 1 or 2 with some configuration adjustments. Refer to zsnes.faq for details- Several special chip emulation routines (SA-1) have unknown bugs to them-

File name Whatsnew.txt

What's New :------------v1.31b All ports --------- - Fixed Super Punchout, now working [zsKnight, _Demo_] - Fixed SD Gundam GNext again [_Demo_] - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest now works again [zsKnight] Win v1.04 --------- - Fixed grayscale toggle [pagefault] - Updated icon again for black backgrounds [enigMa] Linux v0.31 ----------- - Now compiles and runs on QNX6 systems [TheAlien]v1.31 All ports --------- - Fixed Mode 4 offset bug (Fixes Bust-A-Move, Puzzle Bobble possibly others) [zsKnight] - Emerald Dragon is now working [_Demo_] - Fixed Last Bible 3 DMA problem (Thanks to SNES9x for the info) [_Demo_] - Fixed Super Robot Was Ex (Thanks again to SNES9x for the help on this) [_Demo_] - Moved disable SPC emulation option to sound menu where it should be [pagefault] - Fixed Wizardry 4 and Honkakuha Igo Gosei, interleaved funny [_Demo_] - SD Gundam GNext no longer crashes ZSNES, and actually is playable now. [_Demo_] - Spindizzy worlds should work again [_Demo_, zsKnight] - Dezaemon sprites working now, had to clear OAM address when first address byte is written to [zsKnight] - Power Rangers the Movie working, was reading from register 2144 [_Demo_] - King of Rally now working [_Demo_] - Emerald Dragon working, added a hack to disable ENVx for that game [_Demo_, zsKnight] - Full Throttle Racing working, fixed a bug with the wai 65816 instruction [_Demo_, zsKnight] - Renamed black and white mode to grayscale mode [pagefault] - Got Traverse Starlight and Prairie to go further, but it still freezes after several scenes [zsKnight] - Mario RPG minecart Mode 2 scene working better now [zsKnight] Win v1.03 --------- - Added disable screensaver feature to disable screen saver while ZSNES is active [pagefault] - Fixed yet another DirectInput slowdown [pagefault] - Added joystick POV hat support (Thanks to kode54 for testing and fixing my code) [pagefault, kode54] - Added error messages and directions if DirectX 8.0 is not installed [kode54] - Fixed another Windows 2000 freeze on exit bug [pagefault] - Fixed BSOD when loading roms on some systems [pagefault] - Hopefully fixed a crash when multiple roms where in a single zip file (only one rom can be loaded per zip file) [pagefault] - Fixed a possible crash when loading/continuing a game (Thanks to Metus for pointing this out) [pagefault] Linux v0.29 ----------- - No changesv1.30b All ports --------- - Support for Star Ocean S-DD1 decompressed pack is now ena

File name Wingui.txt

Table of ContentsДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДI. ) The Game MenuII. ) The Quick Menu (Arrow Menu)III.) The Config MenuIV. ) The Cheat MenuV. ) The MultiPlay MenuVI. ) The Misc Menu----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note : If any windows exists in the GUI field, pressing ESC always closes the top-most windowNote : Pressing ESC when no window is active is equivalent to RUN. It will not function if no game is loadedNotes on the filename box where you can manually type in the filename: - Typing text into the box would automatically seek to the closest matching filename in the box where the file selection cursor is located - When you press enter with text in the box without any '\' or ':' in the filename, ZSNES will first look for a directory matching the text and changes its directory if one is found. Otherwise, it will load the current file or directory highlighted by the selection cursor. - You can type in the full filename or directory including path (eg. d:\games\mario.smc) or the drive name (eg. d:)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.) The Game Menu ----------------------Load : Perform : Load File and Run Usage : Loading a File : You can move through the list using either the mouse or the keyboard. The keys for the keyboard are : Up/Down - Move Up/Down through the list Left/Right - Switch between the File and Directory Window PageUp/PageDown/Home/End - Move through the list in larger increments A .. Z, \, : - Enters filename/directory into the load box Enter - Load File or Change Directory (depending on which window you are in) Show all Extensions : This will force the GUI to show all of the file extensions instead of the default (.SMC,.SFC,...)Run : Perform : Runs the gameReset : Perform : Resets the game, but asks user for confirmation firstSave State : Perform : Saves the state (Equivalent to default F2), but asks user for confirmation firstLoad State : Perform : Loads the state (Equivalent to default F4), but asks user for confirmation firstPick State : Perform : Allows user to select the state position to use (Equivalent to default F3)Quit : Perform : Quits ZSNES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II.) The Quick Menu (Displayed as an Arrow) ------------------------------------------------Perform : Allows the user to quickly select the last 10 games loaded off the GUI. Also allows the user to freeze/clear the list.Tip : You can create a favorites list by first clearing the list then loading up all the games (last game loade

File name Zsneswfaq.txt

_[ ZSNES Windows Frequently Asked Questions ]______________________________[GENERAL ISSUES:]Q: Why does ZSNESw crash and give me an error with dinput.dll?Q: Why do I get a black (or corrupted) box when I start up ZSNESw?Q: Why in the GUI under Config/Options are some of the choices gone?Q: How do I use CD-ROMs with ZSNESw?Q: Why is netplay choppy/slow?[SOUND COMPATIBILITY ISSUES:]Q: Will ZSNES Windows be able to use my sound card now? It wouldn't work for me in the DOS version.Q: How come I don't get any sound?Q: ZSNES Windows tends to have some static when playing games is there any way to remove it?Q: How come stereo is reversed?[VIDEO ISSUES:]Q: Why do I get a dark line every quarter inch roughly on my screen when IQ: In the Video section where I set my resolution what do those letters stand for to the right of the resolution?Q: Will ZSNES Windows support a 3DFX graphics mode?Q: Are there transparencies in ZSNES?Q: How come the graphics are really screwed up?[GAME COMPATIBILITY ISSUES:]Q: Why doesn't *name of game* work on ZSNES?Q: Can you get *name of game* working by the next release?Q: Why is *name of game* not working in v.*version #* of ZSNES? It was working before.Q: When do you think you will emulate the *DSP/SFX chip? My favorite game *name of game with chip* won't run without it.Q: This game tells me that it is not compatible with the MultiTap (or an external device attached). What should I do?Q: How do I improve the compatibility of ZSNES?Q: Why am I experiencing problems with Chrono Trigger?Q: Why doesn't Star Ocean/Street Fighter Alpha 2 work?Q: Can you guys get Star Ocean/Street Fighter Alpha 2 to work?[SPEED ISSUES:]Q: Why is ZSNES slow?Q: Can you please make ZSNES faster?Q: Can you implement dynamic recompilation into ZSNES?Q: Why does the game slow down even though I'm using auto frame rate and the FPS is pretty high?[[KEYBOARD/JOYSTICK ISSUES:]Q: Will ZSNES Windows now be able to use my Windows Joystick/Gamepad?Q: Why can't I press more than 2 keys at a time?Q: How come my joystick keeps holding in one direction?Q: How do I use both my Keyboard and Joystick for the 1st player?[CHEAT ISSUES:]Q: How come the game genie codes don't work?Q: How do I use .CHT files?Q: Why doesn't ZSNES support multi-line codes?[FREEZING/CRASHING ISSUES:]Q: When I load a ROM, how come ZSNES crashes?[MISC:]Q: How does the auto .IPS patching feature work?Q: What is this sdd1dat.dat file I keep getting?Q: Where do I get the games?_[ GENERAL ISSUES ]________________________________________________________Q: Why does ZSNESw crash and give me an error with dinput.dll?A: If you get this error, download and install the latest version of DirectX which is located at If you already have the newest version of directx installed for a wh

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johs 4 lol - Service Manual Free Download (2025)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.