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How to Insert Symbols and Special Characters usingALT Key Shortcuts in Word, Excel and PowerPoint Documents?
Inserting symbols and special characters like Trademark and Copyright in any Windows software like Word, PowerPoint and Excel is very simple with the use of ALT key in the keyboard. Probably ALT key in the keyboard is one of the least used keys but having more hidden functions. Here is the list of ALT key codes which makes the symbol insertion in Windows based computers very simple. Please drop a comment if you findsome useful shortcut is missing in the below lists, we will add it in the list so that others will also get benefited.
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Alt Key Shortcuts – Symbol Categories
Below table shows the complete list of Alt key shortcuts with search function. By default the table is sorted with the first column “Alt + Key”. You can change the filtering based on any column or enter the description in the search box and the results will be automatically filtered. The shortcuts are categorized under the last column “Symbol Category” for easy to filter with the following categories:
- Accented Characters – accented vowel letters used in different languages.
- Currency – all currency and money related symbols.
- Gaming – symbols related to games and sports.
- Hearts – since there are many heart symbols, we have a dedicated category.
- Human – covers different face symbols and other human related stuffs.
- Keyboard Defaults – all default keys available on standard international English keyboard.
- Language Characters – special language characters.
- Mathematics – Mathematical symbols like degree, plus or minus, etc.
- Musical Symbols – covers all music related symbols and instruments.
- Playing Cards – symbols of playing card deck.
- Special – special characters like copyright, trademark, registered, etc.
- Zodiac Symbols – covers zodiac symbols.
- Transport Symbols – all vehicles and signboard symbols.
- Arrows – covers different types of arrows.
- Numbers – rounded numbers in white and black.
- Stars – different kinds of star symbols.
Example Search – type “tick” in the search box to find all related tick mark symbols.
Alt + Key | Symbol | Symbol Description | Symbol Category |
Alt + 0128 | € | Euro Currency | Currency |
Alt + 0131 | ƒ | Dutch Florin | Currency |
Alt + 0133 | … | Three dots continuation | Special |
Alt + 0134 | † | Dagger | Special |
Alt + 0135 | ‡ | Double Dagger | Special |
Alt + 0136 | ˆ | Cap Arrow | Special |
Alt + 0137 | ‰ | Per Mille | Mathematics |
Alt + 0138 | Š | Capital S with Caron | Language Characters |
Alt + 0139 | ‹ | Single Angle Quotation Left | Special |
Alt + 0140 | Œ | Capital O-E Ligature | Language Characters |
Alt + 0142 | Ž | Capital Z with Caron | Language Characters |
Alt + 0149 | • | Big Dot | Special |
Alt + 0150 | – | En-dash symbol | Special |
Alt + 0151 | — | Em-dash symbol | Special |
Alt + 0152 | ˜ | Intermediate | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 0153 | ™ | Trademark | Special |
Alt + 0154 | š | Small s with Caron | Language Characters |
Alt + 0155 | › | Single Angle Quotation Right | Special |
Alt + 0156 | œ | Small o-e Ligature | Language Characters |
Alt + 0158 | ž | Small z with Caron | Language Characters |
Alt + 0159 | Ÿ | Umlaut Y Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0161 | ¡ | Down Exclamation Mark | Special |
Alt + 0162 | ¢ | Cent | Currency |
Alt + 0163 | £ | Pound | Currency |
Alt + 0164 | ¤ | General Currency | Currency |
Alt + 0165 | ¥ | Japanese Yen | Currency |
Alt + 0166 | ¦ | Pipeline with Break | Special |
Alt + 0167 | § | Section Symbol | Special |
Alt + 0169 | © | Copyright | Special |
Alt + 0170 | ª | Feminine Ordinal Number | Special |
Alt + 0171 | « | Double Angle Quotation Left | Special |
Alt + 0171 | « | Double Less than Mark | Special |
Alt + 0172 | ¬ | Not Symbol | Mathematics |
Alt + 0173 | | Hyphen or Dash | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 0174 | ® | Registered | Special |
Alt + 0175 | ¯ | Upper Dash | Special |
Alt + 0176 | ° | Degree | Mathematics |
Alt + 0177 | ± | Plus or Minus | Mathematics |
Alt + 0178 | ² | Power of Two (Square) | Mathematics |
Alt + 0179 | ³ | Power of Three (Cube) | Mathematics |
Alt + 0181 | µ | Micron | Mathematics |
Alt + 0182 | ¶ | Paragraph | Special |
Alt + 0183 | · | Center Dot | Special |
Alt + 0185 | ¹ | Citation One | Special |
Alt + 0186 | º | Masculine Ordinal Number | Special |
Alt + 0187 | » | Double Angle Quotation Right | Special |
Alt + 0187 | » | Double Greater than Mark | Special |
Alt + 0188 | ¼ | One fourth fraction | Mathematics |
Alt + 0189 | ½ | One half fraction | Mathematics |
Alt + 0190 | ¾ | Three fourth fraction | Mathematics |
Alt + 0191 | ¿ | Down Question Mark | Special |
Alt + 0192 | À | Grave A Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0193 | Á | Acute A Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0194 | Â | Circumflex A Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0195 | Ã | Tilde A Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0196 | Ä | Umlaut A Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0197 | Å | Capital Nordic A Ring | Language Characters |
Alt + 0198 | Æ | Capital A-E Ligature | Language Characters |
Alt + 0199 | Ç | Capital C French Cedille | Language Characters |
Alt + 0200 | È | Grave E Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0201 | É | Acute E Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0202 | Circumflex E Capital | Accented Characters | |
Alt + 0203 | Ë | Umlaut E Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0204 | Ì | Grave I Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0205 | Í | Acute I Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0206 | Î | Circumflex I Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0207 | Ï | Umlaut I Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0208 | Ð | Old English Eth (Capital) | Language Characters |
Alt + 0209 | Ñ | Tilde I Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0210 | Ò | Grave O Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0211 | Ó | Acute O Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0212 | Ô | Circumflex O Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0213 | Õ | Tilde O Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0214 | Ö | Umlaut O Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0215 | × | Multiply | Mathematics |
Alt + 0216 | Ø | Capital Nordic O Slash | Language Characters |
Alt + 0216 | Ø | Phi | Mathematics |
Alt + 0217 | Ù | Grave U Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0218 | Ù | Acute U Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0219 | Û | Circumflex U Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0220 | Ü | Umlaut U Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0221 | Ý | Acute Y Capital | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0222 | Þ | Old English Thorn (Capital) | Language Characters |
Alt + 0223 | ß | German Sharp S | Language Characters |
Alt + 0224 | à | Grave a Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0225 | á | Acute a Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0226 | â | Circumflex a Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0227 | ã | Tilde a Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0228 | ä | Umlaut a Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0229 | å | Small Nordic a Ring | Language Characters |
Alt + 0230 | æ | Small a-e Ligature | Language Characters |
Alt + 0231 | ç | Small C French Cedille | Language Characters |
Alt + 0232 | è | Grave e Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0233 | é | Acute e Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0234 | ê | Circumflex e Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0235 | ë | Umlaut e Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0236 | ì | Grave i Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0237 | í | Acute i Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0238 | î | Circumflex i Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0239 | ï | Umlaut i Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0240 | ð | Old English Eth (Small) | Language Characters |
Alt + 0241 | ñ | Tilde i Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0242 | ò | Grave o Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0243 | ó | Acute o Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0244 | ô | Circumflex o Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0245 | õ | Tilde o Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0246 | ö | Umlaut o Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0247 | ÷ | Division | Mathematics |
Alt + 0248 | ø | Small Nordic O Slash | Language Characters |
Alt + 0249 | ù | Grave u Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0250 | ú | Acute u Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0251 | û | Circumflex u Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0252 | ü | Umlaut u Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0253 | ý | Acute y Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 0254 | þ | Old English Thorn (Small) | Language Characters |
Alt + 0255 | ÿ | Umlaut y Small | Accented Characters |
Alt + 100 | d | Small Letter d | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 10000 | ✐ | Pencil | Special |
Alt + 10001 | ✑ | Nib | Special |
Alt + 10002 | ✒ | Bold Nib | Special |
Alt + 10003 | ✓ | Tick Mark | Special |
Alt + 10004 | ✔ | Bold Tick Mark | Special |
Alt + 10005 | ✕ | Cross Mark | Special |
Alt + 10006 | ✖ | Bold Cross Mark | Special |
Alt + 10007 | ✗ | Styles Cross Mark | Special |
Alt + 10008 | ✘ | Bold Style Cross Mark | Special |
Alt + 10009 | ✙ | Embossed Plus | Special |
Alt + 10010 | ✚ | Bold Plus | Special |
Alt + 10011 | ✛ | Cursor | Special |
Alt + 10012 | ✜ | Bold Cursor | Special |
Alt + 10013 | ✝ | Simple Cross | Special |
Alt + 10014 | ✞ | Jesus Cross | Special |
Alt + 10015 | ✟ | Embossed Cross | Special |
Alt + 10016 | ✠ | Maltese Cross | Special |
Alt + 10017 | ✡ | Six Star (Star of David) | Stars |
Alt + 10018 | ✢ | Four Teardrop Spoked Asterisk | Special |
Alt + 10019 | ✣ | Four Balloon Spoked Asterisk | Special |
Alt + 10020 | ✤ | Bold Four Balloon Spoked Asterisk | Special |
Alt + 10021 | ✥ | Four Clubs Spoked Asterisk | Special |
Alt + 10022 | ✦ | Black Four Pointed Star | Stars |
Alt + 10023 | ✧ | White Four Pointed Star | Stars |
Alt + 10024 | ✨ | Sparkles | Stars |
Alt + 10025 | ✩ | Five Pointed Star | Stars |
Alt + 10026 | ✪ | Five Pointed Star in Circle | Stars |
Alt + 10027 | ✫ | White Center Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10028 | ✬ | Black Center White Star | Stars |
Alt + 10029 | ✭ | Outlined Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10030 | ✮ | Bold Outlined Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10031 | ✯ | Pinwheel Star | Stars |
Alt + 10032 | ✰ | White Star with Shadow | Stars |
Alt + 10033 | ✱ | Bold Asterisk | Keyboard Default |
Alt + 10034 | ✲ | Open Center Asterisk | Special |
Alt + 10035 | ✳ | Eight Spoked Asterisk | Special |
Alt + 10036 | ✴ | Eight Point Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10037 | ✵ | Eight Point Pinwheel Star | Stars |
Alt + 10038 | ✶ | Six Point Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10039 | ✷ | Eight Point Rectilinear Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10040 | ✸ | Bold Eight Point Rectilinear Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10041 | ✹ | Twelve Point Black Star | Stars |
Alt + 10042 | ✺ | Sixteen Spoked Asterisk | Special |
Alt + 10045 | ✽ | Flower | Special |
Alt + 10050 | ❂ | Flower Donut | Special |
Alt + 10052 | ❄ | Snowflake | Special |
Alt + 10065 | ❑ | Shaded Square | Special |
Alt + 10083 | ❣ | Exclamation with Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 10084 | ❤ | Hearts | Playing Cards |
Alt + 10085 | ❥ | Tilted Hearts | Hearts |
Alt + 10086 | ❦ | Floral Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 10087 | ❧ | Rotated Floral Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 101 | E | Small Letter e | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 10102 | ❶ | Black Circled One | Numbers |
Alt + 10103 | ❷ | Black Circled Two | Numbers |
Alt + 10104 | ❸ | Black Circled Three | Numbers |
Alt + 10105 | ❹ | Black Circled Four | Numbers |
Alt + 10106 | ❺ | Black Circled Five | Numbers |
Alt + 10107 | ❻ | Black Circled Six | Numbers |
Alt + 10108 | ❼ | Black Circled Seven | Numbers |
Alt + 10109 | ❽ | Black Circled Eight | Numbers |
Alt + 10110 | ❾ | Black Circled Nine | Numbers |
Alt + 10111 | ❿ | Black Circled Ten | Numbers |
Alt + 10112 | ➀ | White Circled One | Numbers |
Alt + 10113 | ➁ | White Circled Two | Numbers |
Alt + 10114 | ➂ | White Circled Three | Numbers |
Alt + 10115 | ➃ | White Circled Four | Numbers |
Alt + 10116 | ➄ | White Circled Five | Numbers |
Alt + 10117 | ➅ | White Circled Six | Numbers |
Alt + 10118 | ➆ | White Circled Seven | Numbers |
Alt + 10119 | ➇ | White Circled Eight | Numbers |
Alt + 10120 | ➈ | White Circled Nine | Numbers |
Alt + 10121 | ➉ | White Circled Ten | Numbers |
Alt + 10136 | ➘ | Bold South East Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10137 | ➙ | Bold Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10138 | ➚ | Bold North East Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10139 | ➛ | Drafting Point Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10140 | ➜ | Bold Round Tipped Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10141 | ➝ | Triangle Head Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10142 | ➞ | Bold Triangle Head Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10143 | ➟ | Dashed Triangle Head Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10144 | ➠ | Bold Dashed Triangle Head Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10145 | ➡ | Black Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10146 | ➢ | 3D Top Lighted Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10147 | ➣ | 3D Bottom Lighted Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10148 | ➤ | Black Right Arrow Head | Arrows |
Alt + 10149 | ➥ | Bold Down Curved Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10150 | ➦ | Bold Up Curved Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10151 | ➧ | Squat Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10152 | ➨ | Bold Concave Black Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10153 | ➩ | Right Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10154 | ➪ | Left Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10155 | ➫ | Back Tilted Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10156 | ➬ | Front Tilted Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10157 | ➭ | Bold Lower Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10158 | ➮ | Bold Upper Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10159 | ➯ | Notched Lower Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10160 | ➰ | Curly Loop | Special |
Alt + 10161 | ➱ | Notched Upper Shadowed White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10162 | ➲ | Circled Bold White Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10163 | ➳ | White Feathered Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10164 | ➴ | Black Feathered South East Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10165 | ➵ | Black Feathered Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10166 | ➶ | Black Feathered North East Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10167 | ➷ | Bold Black Feathered South East Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10168 | ➸ | Bold Black Feathered Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10169 | ➹ | Bold Black Feathered North East Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10170 | ➺ | Teardrop Barbed Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10171 | ➻ | Bold Teardrop Shanked Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10172 | ➼ | Wedge Tailed Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10173 | ➽ | Bold Wedge Tailed Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10174 | ➾ | Open Outlined Right Arrow | Arrows |
Alt + 10175 | ➿ | Double Curly Loop | Arrows |
Alt + 102 | f | Small Letter f | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 103 | g | Small Letter g | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 104 | h | Small Letter h | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 105 | i | Small Letter i | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 106 | j | Small Letter j | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 107 | k | Small Letter k | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 108 | l | Small Letter l | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 109 | m | Small Letter m | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 110 | n | Small Letter n | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 111 | o | Small Letter o | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 112 | p | Small Letter p | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 113 | q | Small Letter q | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 114 | r | Small Letter r | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 115 | s | Small Letter s | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 116 | t | Small Letter t | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 117 | u | Small Letter u | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 118 | v | Small Letter v | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 119 | w | Small Letter w | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 120 | x | Small Letter x | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 121 | y | Small Letter y | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 122 | z | Small Letter z | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 123 | { | Left Brace or Curly Bracket | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 124 | | | Pipeline | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 125 | } | Right Brace or Curly Bracket | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 126 | ~ | Intermediate or Approximate | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 127904 | 🎠 | Carousel Horse | Special |
Alt + 127905 | 🎡 | Ferris Wheel | Special |
Alt + 127906 | 🎢 | Roller Coaster | Special |
Alt + 127907 | 🎣 | Fishing Pole | Special |
Alt + 127908 | 🎤 | Mic | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127909 | 🎥 | Video Camera | Special |
Alt + 127910 | 🎦 | Cinema | Special |
Alt + 127911 | 🎧 | Headphone | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127912 | 🎨 | Painting | Special |
Alt + 127913 | 🎩 | Top Hat | Special |
Alt + 127914 | 🎪 | Circus Tent | Special |
Alt + 127915 | 🎫 | Ticket | Special |
Alt + 127916 | 🎬 | Clapper Board | Special |
Alt + 127917 | 🎭 | Performing Arts | Special |
Alt + 127918 | 🎮 | Video Game | Special |
Alt + 127919 | 🎯 | Dart | Gaming |
Alt + 127920 | 🎰 | Slot Machine | Gaming |
Alt + 127921 | 🎱 | Billiards | Gaming |
Alt + 127922 | 🎲 | Dices | Gaming |
Alt + 127923 | 🎳 | Snow Bowling | Gaming |
Alt + 127924 | 🎴 | Flower Playing Cards | Gaming |
Alt + 127925 | 🎵 | Quaver or Eighth Note | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127926 | 🎶 | Musical Notes | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127927 | 🎷 | Saxophone | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127928 | 🎸 | Guitar | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127929 | 🎹 | Musical Keyboard | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127930 | 🎺 | Trumpet | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127931 | 🎻 | Violin | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127932 | 🎼 | Octave Clef | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 127934 | 🎾 | Tennis | Gaming |
Alt + 127936 | 🏀 | Basketball | Gaming |
Alt + 127937 | 🏁 | Flag | Gaming |
Alt + 127938 | 🏂 | Skiing | Gaming |
Alt + 127939 | 🏃 | Running | Gaming |
Alt + 127940 | 🏄 | Skating | Gaming |
Alt + 127942 | 🏆 | Cup | Gaming |
Alt + 127944 | 🏈 | American Football | Gaming |
Alt + 127946 | 🏊 | Swimming | Gaming |
Alt + 127968 | 🏠 | Home | Transport |
Alt + 127969 | 🏡 | Flower House | Transport |
Alt + 127970 | 🏢 | Office Building | Transport |
Alt + 127973 | 🏥 | Hospital | Transport |
Alt + 127974 | 🏦 | Bank | Currency |
Alt + 127975 | 🏧 | ATM | Currency |
Alt + 127976 | 🏨 | Hotel | Transport |
Alt + 127977 | 🏩 | love Hotel | Transport |
Alt + 127978 | 🏪 | Convenience Store | Transport |
Alt + 127979 | 🏫 | School | Transport |
Alt + 127980 | 🏬 | Department Store | Transport |
Alt + 127981 | 🏭 | Factory | Transport |
Alt + 127982 | 🏮 | Izakaya Lantern | Special |
Alt + 127983 | 🏯 | Japanese Castle | Special |
Alt + 127984 | 🏰 | European Castle | Special |
Alt + 128012 | 🐌 | Snail | Special |
Alt + 128013 | 🐍 | Snake | Special |
Alt + 128014 | 🐎 | Horse | Special |
Alt + 128102 | 👦 | Boy | Human |
Alt + 128103 | 👧 | Girl | Human |
Alt + 128104 | 👨 | Male (Man) | Human |
Alt + 128105 | 👩 | Female (Woman) | Human |
Alt + 128106 | 👪 | Family with Kid | Human |
Alt + 128107 | 👫 | Family without Kid | Human |
Alt + 128110 | 👮 | Man Face with Police Cap | Human |
Alt + 128111 | 👯 | Woman Face with Rabbit Band | Human |
Alt + 128112 | 👰 | Woman Face1 | Human |
Alt + 128113 | 👱 | Woman Face2 | Human |
Alt + 128114 | 👲 | Man Face1 | Human |
Alt + 128115 | 👳 | Man Face2 | Human |
Alt + 128116 | 👴 | Man Face3 | Human |
Alt + 128117 | 👵 | Man Face4 | Human |
Alt + 128118 | 👶 | Baby Face | Human |
Alt + 128119 | 👷 | Man Face5 | Human |
Alt + 128120 | 👸 | Man Face6 | Human |
Alt + 128124 | 👼 | Angel Baby | Human |
Alt + 128125 | 👽 | Halloween Mask | Human |
Alt + 128127 | 👿 | Satan | Human |
Alt + 128128 | 💀 | Skull | Human |
Alt + 128134 | 💆 | Man Face7 | Human |
Alt + 128135 | 💇 | Scissor and Comb | Special |
Alt + 128137 | 💉 | Syringe | Special |
Alt + 128138 | 💊 | Medicine or Tablet or Pill | Special |
Alt + 128139 | 💋 | Lips | Human |
Alt + 128140 | 💌 | Lover Letter / Cover | Hearts |
Alt + 128141 | 💍 | Diamond Ring | Special |
Alt + 128142 | 💎 | Diamond | Special |
Alt + 128143 | 💏 | Kissing Symbol | Human |
Alt + 128145 | 💑 | Lovers (Man and Women with Heart) | Hearts |
Alt + 128146 | 💒 | Heart with Home | Hearts |
Alt + 128147 | 💓 | Vibrating Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128148 | 💔 | Broken Heart Symbol | Hearts |
Alt + 128149 | 💕 | Double Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128150 | 💖 | Twinkling Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128151 | 💗 | Donut Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128152 | 💘 | Heart with Arrow | Hearts |
Alt + 128153 | 💙 | Horizontal Stripped Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128154 | 💚 | Left Slanted Stripped Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128155 | 💛 | Right Slanted Stripped Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128156 | 💜 | Partial Stripped Heart | Hearts |
Alt + 128157 | 💝 | Heart Gift | Hearts |
Alt + 128158 | 💞 | Four Hearts | Hearts |
Alt + 128159 | 💟 | Heart on Drawing Pad | Hearts |
Alt + 128160 | 💠 | Dotted Square | Special |
Alt + 128161 | 💡 | Bulb | Special |
Alt + 128162 | 💢 | Four Section | Special |
Alt + 128163 | 💣 | Bomb | Special |
Alt + 128164 | 💤 | Dizzy | Special |
Alt + 128165 | 💥 | Callout | Special |
Alt + 128166 | 💦 | Drop Design | Special |
Alt + 128167 | 💧 | Drop | Special |
Alt + 128168 | 💨 | Blowing Wind | Special |
Alt + 128169 | 💩 | Cream | Special |
Alt + 128170 | 💪 | Muscle | Human |
Alt + 128171 | 💫 | Two Stars | Special |
Alt + 128172 | 💬 | Comments Callout | Special |
Alt + 128174 | 💮 | Flower | Special |
Alt + 128175 | 💯 | Hundred Points Symbol | Currency |
Alt + 128176 | 💰 | Money Bag | Currency |
Alt + 128177 | 💱 | Currency Conversion | Currency |
Alt + 128178 | 💲 | Dollar | Currency |
Alt + 128179 | 💳 | Credit Card | Currency |
Alt + 128180 | 💴 | Yen Sign | Currency |
Alt + 128181 | 💵 | Dollar Sign | Currency |
Alt + 128184 | 💸 | Dollar Sign | Currency |
Alt + 128185 | 💹 | Yen Sign | Currency |
Alt + 128186 | 💺 | Seat Symbol | Special |
Alt + 128187 | 💻 | Laptop | Special |
Alt + 128188 | 💼 | Briefcase | Special |
Alt + 128189 | 💽 | CD Drive | Special |
Alt + 128190 | 💾 | Floppy Disc | Special |
Alt + 128191 | 💿 | CD | Special |
Alt + 128192 | 📀 | DVD | Special |
Alt + 128193 | 📁 | Closed Folder | Special |
Alt + 128194 | 📂 | Open Folder | Special |
Alt + 128196 | 📄 | Document | Special |
Alt + 128197 | 📅 | Gallery | Special |
Alt + 128198 | 📆 | Pad | Special |
Alt + 128199 | 📇 | Typewriter | Special |
Alt + 128202 | 📊 | Bar Graph | Special |
Alt + 128203 | 📋 | Writing Pad | Special |
Alt + 128204 | 📌 | Pin | Special |
Alt + 128205 | 📍 | Round Headed Pin | Special |
Alt + 128206 | 📎 | Paperclip | Special |
Alt + 128208 | 📐 | Angle Measurement | Mathematics |
Alt + 128209 | 📑 | Book with Remember Strip | Special |
Alt + 128213 | 📕 | Book | Special |
Alt + 128214 | 📖 | Open Book | Special |
Alt + 128215 | 📗 | Left Slanted Stripped Book | Special |
Alt + 128216 | 📘 | Horizontal Stripped Book | Special |
Alt + 128217 | 📙 | Right Slanted Stripped Book | Special |
Alt + 128218 | 📚 | Files or Books on Shelf | Special |
Alt + 128221 | 📝 | Notepad with Pen | Special |
Alt + 128222 | 📞 | Phone Receiver | Special |
Alt + 128223 | 📟 | Pager | Special |
Alt + 128224 | 📠 | Phone with Display | Special |
Alt + 128225 | 📡 | Dish | Special |
Alt + 128226 | 📢 | Speaker | Special |
Alt + 128227 | 📣 | Announcement | Special |
Alt + 128228 | 📤 | Upload | Special |
Alt + 128229 | 📥 | Download | Special |
Alt + 128241 | 📱 | Cellphone | Special |
Alt + 128661 | 🚕 | Taxi | Transport |
Alt + 128663 | 🚗 | Car | Transport |
Alt + 128665 | 🚙 | Jeep | Transport |
Alt + 128666 | 🚚 | Truck | Transport |
Alt + 128674 | 🚢 | Cruise | transport |
Alt + 128676 | 🚤 | Boat | Transport |
Alt + 128677 | 🚥 | Traffic Signal | Transport |
Alt + 128679 | 🚧 | Construction | Transport |
Alt + 128680 | 🚨 | Police Siren | Transport |
Alt + 128681 | 🚩 | Flag Post | Special |
Alt + 128682 | 🚪 | Door | Transport |
Alt + 128683 | 🚫 | No Entry | Transport |
Alt + 128684 | 🚬 | Smoking | Special |
Alt + 128685 | 🚭 | No Smoking | Special |
Alt + 128690 | 🚲 | Cycle | Transport |
Alt + 128694 | 🚶 | Pedestrian Walk | Transport |
Alt + 128697 | 🚹 | Men | Human |
Alt + 128698 | 🚺 | Women | Human |
Alt + 128699 | 🚻 | Restroom | Transport |
Alt + 128700 | 🚼 | Baby | Human |
Alt + 128701 | 🚽 | Toilet | Special |
Alt + 128702 | 🚾 | Water Closet | Special |
Alt + 128704 | 🛀 | Bath | Special |
Alt + 30 | ‑ | Minus or Dash or Hyphen | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 33 | ! | Single Exclamation | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 34 | “ | Double Quote | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 35 | # | Hash or Ampersand | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 36 | $ | Dollar Symbol | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 37 | % | Percentage | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 38 | & | And Symbol | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 39 | ‘ | Single Quote | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 40 | ( | Left Round Bracket or Parenthesis | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 41 | ) | Right Round Bracket or Parenthesis | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 42 | * | Asterisk or Multiplication | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 43 | + | Plus Sign | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 44 | , | Comma | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 45 | - | Minus or Dash or Hyphen | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 46 | . | Dot or Full stop | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 47 | / | Right Slash | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 48 | 0 | Zero | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 49 | 1 | One | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 50 | 2 | Two | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 51 | 3 | Three | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 52 | 4 | Four | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 53 | 5 | Five | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 54 | 6 | Six | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 55 | 7 | Seven | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 56 | 8 | Eight | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 57 | 9 | Nine | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 58 | : | Colon | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 59 | ; | Semicolon | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 60 | < | Less than or Left Angle Bracket / Chevron | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 61 | = | Is Equal to | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 62 | > | Greater than or Right Angle Bracket / Chevron | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 63 | ? | Question Mark | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 64 | @ | At the Rate | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 65 | A | Capital Letter A | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 66 | B | Capital Letter B | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 67 | C | Capital Letter C | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 68 | D | Capital Letter D | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 69 | E | Capital Letter E | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 70 | F | Capital Letter F | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 71 | G | Capital Letter G | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 72 | H | Capital Letter H | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 73 | I | Capital Letter I | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 74 | J | Capital Letter J | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 75 | K | Capital Letter K | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 76 | L | Capital Letter L | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 77 | M | Capital Letter M | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 78 | N | Capital Letter N | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 79 | O | Capital Letter O | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 80 | P | Capital Letter P | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 81 | Q | Capital Letter Q | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 82 | R | Capital Letter R | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 83 | S | Capital Letter S | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 8355 | ₣ | French Franc | Currency |
Alt + 8356 | ₤ | British Pound | Currency |
Alt + 8357 | ₥ | Mill Sign | Currency |
Alt + 8358 | ₦ | Nigerian Naira | Currency |
Alt + 8359 | ₧ | Spanish Peseta | Currency |
Alt + 8360 | ₨ | Indian Rupee | Currency |
Alt + 8361 | ₩ | South Korean Won | Currency |
Alt + 8362 | ₪ | Israeli New Sheqel | Currency |
Alt + 8363 | ₫ | Vietnamese Dong | Currency |
Alt + 8364 | € | Euro | Currency |
Alt + 8365 | ₭ | Laos Kip | Currency |
Alt + 8366 | ₮ | Mongolian Tugrik | Currency |
Alt + 8367 | ₯ | Greece Drachma | Currency |
Alt + 8368 | ₰ | German Penny Sign | Currency |
Alt + 8369 | ₱ | Philippine Peso | Currency |
Alt + 8370 | ₲ | Paraguayan Guarani | Currency |
Alt + 8371 | ₳ | Argentine Austral | Currency |
Alt + 8372 | ₴ | Ukrainian Hryvnia | Currency |
Alt + 8373 | ₵ | Cent | Currency |
Alt + 8377 | ₹ | Indian Rupee Symbol | Currency |
Alt + 8378 | ₺ | Turkish Lira | Currency |
Alt + 8381 | ₽ | Russian Ruble | Currency |
Alt + 84 | T | Capital Letter T | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 85 | U | Capital Letter U | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 86 | V | Capital Letter V | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 87 | W | Capital Letter W | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 8721 | ∑ | Summation | Mathematics |
Alt + 8723 | ∓ | Minus or Plus | Mathematics |
Alt + 8730 | √ | Square Root | Mathematics |
Alt + 8731 | ∛ | Cube Root | Mathematics |
Alt + 8732 | ∜ | Fourth Root | Mathematics |
Alt + 8733 | ∝ | Open Infinity | Mathematics |
Alt + 8734 | ∞ | Closed Infinity | Mathematics |
Alt + 8735 | ∟ | L symbol | Mathematics |
Alt + 8737 | ∡ | Angle | Mathematics |
Alt + 8741 | ∥ | Parallel (Slant) | Mathematics |
Alt + 8747 | ∫ | Calculus Symbol | Mathematics |
Alt + 8748 | ∬ | Calculus Symbol | Mathematics |
Alt + 8750 | ∮ | Calculus Symbol | Mathematics |
Alt + 8751 | ∯ | Calculus Symbol | Mathematics |
Alt + 8756 | ∴ | Triangle Dots | Special |
Alt + 8757 | ∵ | Down Triangle Dots | Special |
Alt + 8759 | ∷ | Four Square Dots | Special |
Alt + 8762 | ∺ | Double Divide | Special |
Alt + 8771 | ≃ | Approximate | Mathematics |
Alt + 88 | X | Capital Letter X | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 89 | Y | Capital Letter Y | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 90 | Z | Capital Letter Z | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 91 | [ | Left Bracket | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 92 | \ | Left Slash | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 93 | ] | Right Bracket | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 94 | ^ | Cap | Special |
Alt + 95 | _ | Underscore | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 96 | ` | Apostrophe | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 97 | a | Small Letter a | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 9728 | ☀ | Sun with Black Rays | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9729 | ☁ | Cloudy Weather | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9730 | ☂ | Umbrella | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9731 | ☃ | Snowman | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9732 | ☄ | Comet | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9733 | ★ | Star Black | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9734 | ☆ | Star White | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9735 | ☇ | Lightning | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9736 | ☈ | Thunderstorm | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9737 | ☉ | Sun Symbol | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9742 | ☎ | Telephone Black | Special |
Alt + 9743 | ☏ | Telephone White | Special |
Alt + 9745 | ☑ | Tick Mark Inside Box | Special |
Alt + 9746 | ☒ | Checked Box | Special |
Alt + 9747 | ☓ | Cross Mark | Special |
Alt + 9754 | ☚ | Hand Black Left | Special |
Alt + 9755 | ☛ | Hand Black Right | Special |
Alt + 9756 | ☜ | Hand White Left | Special |
Alt + 9757 | ☝ | Hand White Up | Special |
Alt + 9758 | ☞ | Hand White Right | Special |
Alt + 9759 | ☟ | Hand White Down | Special |
Alt + 9760 | ☠ | Danger Symbol | Special |
Alt + 9786 | ☺ | Smiling Light Smiley | Special |
Alt + 9787 | ☻ | Smiling Dark Smiley | Special |
Alt + 9788 | ☼ | Sun White with Rays | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9789 | ☽ | Half-moon Right | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9790 | ☾ | Half-moon Left | Weather Symbols |
Alt + 9792 | ♀ | Female Symbol | Human |
Alt + 9794 | ♂ | Male Symbol | Human |
Alt + 98 | b | Small Letter b | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + 9800 | ♈ | Aries | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9801 | ♉ | Taurus | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9802 | ♊ | Gemini | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9803 | ♋ | Cancer | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9804 | ♌ | Leo | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9805 | ♍ | Virgo | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9806 | ♎ | Libra | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9807 | ♏ | Scorpio | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9808 | ♐ | Sagittarius | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9809 | ♑ | Capricorn | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9810 | ♒ | Aquarius | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9811 | ♓ | Pisces | Zodiac Symbols |
Alt + 9812 | ♔ | King White | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9813 | ♕ | Queen White | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9814 | ♖ | Rook White | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9815 | ♗ | Bishop White | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9816 | ♘ | Knight White | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9817 | ♙ | Pawn White | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9818 | ♚ | King Black | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9819 | ♛ | Queen Black | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9820 | ♜ | Rook Black | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9821 | ♝ | Bishop Black | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9822 | ♞ | Knight Black | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9823 | ♟ | Pawn Black | Chess Piece |
Alt + 9824 | ♠ | Spades Dark | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9825 | ♡ | Hearts Light | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9826 | ♢ | Spades Light | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9827 | ♣ | Clubs Dark | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9828 | ♤ | Spades Light | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9829 | ♥ | Hearts Dark | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9830 | ♦ | Diamonds Dark | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9831 | ♧ | Clubs Light | Playing Cards |
Alt + 9833 | ♩ | Crotchet or Quarter note | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 9834 | ♪ | Quaver or Eighth note | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 9835 | ♫ | Musical Single Bar | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 9836 | ♬ | Musical Double Bar | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 9837 | ♭ | Flat Note | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 9838 | ♮ | Natural Note | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 9839 | ♯ | Sharp Note | Musical Symbols |
Alt + 99 | C | Small Letter c | Keyboard Defaults |
Alt + Ctrl + . | … | Continuation | Special |
Alt + Ctrl + C | © | Copyright | Special |
Alt + Ctrl + E | € | Euro | Currency |
Alt + Ctrl + R | ® | Registered | Special |
Alt + Ctrl + T | ™ | Trademark | Special |
How to Use Alt Key Shortcuts?
All the shortcuts are checked on Microsoft Word 2019 and Office/Microsoft 365 on Windows 11/10 platforms, hence some of the codes may not work on other software like Excel and PowerPoint. In this case you can just copy and paste the symbols. Also, the symbols may look different on Microsoft Office documents compared tothe ones displayedon the above table as this is a browser display. Follow the below instructions on how to use these Alt key shortcuts:
- Press and Hold any of the ALT key and then press the numbers one by one.
- Make sure Numeric lock is switched on.
- Shortcut keys with numbers will only work with ALT and the number pad keys as shown in the below keyboard picture. It may not work as expected with the number keys part of the regular keyboard.
If you don’t have separate number pad on your keyboard, enable the number lock and using the shortcuts with keyboard numbers as shown below. In most cases, you have to use function key with alt and press numbers.

Learn more on how to use alt codes on different computers.
Alt Key Keyboard Shortcuts without Numbers:
There are also shortcuts without using numbers to insert symbols like trademark, copyright, registered, etc. which should work in all type of keyboards.
Key | Symbol | Symbol Description |
Alt + Ctrl + C | © | Copyright |
Alt + Ctrl + R | ® | Registered |
Alt + Ctrl + . | … | Continuation |
Alt + Ctrl + T | ™ | Trademark |
Alt + Ctrl + E | € | Euro |
Alt Code Shortcuts Images – Currency, Math, Special, Zodiac and All Symbols
If you are looking for alt key shortcuts in image format, click the below links to get download the shortcuts images.Once the image is opened in a new tab, right click and save to your PC or Mac for offline use. Check out the shortcuts list for using options or alt code in Mac.
- Currency symbols
- Mathematical expressions
- Zodiac signs
- Animals symbols
- Weather symbols
- Smileys and emoticons
- Clocks and time related symbols
- Punctuation symbols
- Communication related symbols
- Hand signs
- Star symbols
- Sport symbols
- Music symbols
- Heart signs
- Food items
- All other special symbols
Download 1000+ alt code emoji shortcuts in printable PDF eBook format.